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Advanced Brain Monitoring, California, USA. Their wireless EEG systems and Sleep Profiler device write EDF, and their B-Alert software reads and writes EDF.
Australia. Their Chart software reads and writes EDF.
Alpha Trace, Austria,
Europe. Their EEG and Sleep recorders and analyzers read and
write EDF.
ANT, The Netherlands, Europe. Their ASA source analysis for EEG reads EDF.
Applied Brain and Vision Sciences, Canada. Their remote data analysis software supports EDF.
Applied Neuroscience,
Florida, USA. Their EEG analysis software reads EDF and EDF+.
Apreco, Belgium, Europe.
Their SleepOnWeb internet server reads and writes EDF.
Artinis Medical Systems, The Netherlands, Europe.
Their Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) software (Oxysoft) writes EDF+.
Astro-Med, Rhode Island, USA. Their PSG and Epilepsy software Twin reads and writes EDF and EDF+.
Ates Medical Devices, Italy, Europe. Their EEG and ECG systems read and write EDF and EDF+.
Avatar EEG, Alberta, Canada. Their EEG recorder writes EDF.
Besa, Germany, Europe. Besa's EEG and MEG software read EDF/EDF+.
BioEra, Iowa, USA. Their bio-signal analysis software reads and writes EDF.
Biomedical Instruments, Israel. Their EEG and DC-EEG recorder writes EDF.
Bionic, France, Europe. Their EEG recorder writes EDF.
Bioscience, Argentine.
Their recorders write EDF+ and their software reads EDF and EDF+.
BioSemi, The Netherlands, Europe. Their EEG and ECG recorders write EDF.
Biotechware, Italy, Europe. Their ECG systems CardioPad Lite and cloud platform read and write EDF and EDF+.
Braebon, Canada. The MediPalm software writes EDF.
Brain Innovation, Netherlands, Europe. Their Brainvoyager EEG/MEG analyzer reads EDF.
Brainmaster Technologies, Ohio, USA. Their neurofeedback EEG systems read and write EDF.
BrainProducts, Germany, Europe. The BrainVision Analyzer reads EDF and EDF+.
Braintronics, The
Netherlands, Europe. Their EEG amplifiers write EDF.
Cadwell Laboratories, Washington, USA. The PSG and EEG recorders write EDF.
Cambridge Electronic Design, United Kingdom, Europe. Their Spike2 system reads EDF and EDF+.
CamNtech, UK, Europe (formerly Cambridge Neurotechnology). The Actiwave EXG recorder writes EDF and EDF+.
Carefusion (formerly
Viasys and Cardinal Health), USA. Their Resp does EDFwhile EEG and
PSG read and write EDF+.
Clinical Science
Systems, The Netherlands, Europe. Their Neurocenter EEG
reads and writes EDF+.
Compumedics, Australia.
The sleep monitoring software reads and writes EDF.
Contact Precision Instruments, UK, USA. Their Psychlab EEG recorder for psychophysiology writes EDF+.
Danatech, Florida, USA (dead link in 2013). Their EEG recorder writes EDF.
Data Sciences International, Minnesota, USA, Their CNS analysis software reads EDF and EDF+.
Technologies, Colorado, USA. Their SciWorks software for
biological-signal analysis reads and writes EDF.
Deltamed, France, Europe (now Natus). Deltamed's polygraphic software Coherence 3NT read and wrote EDF.
DEYMED Diagnostic s.r.o., Czech Republic, Europe. Their EEG software (TruScan) supports reading and writing of EDF and EDF+.
EBNeuro, Italy, Europe. All EEG products read and write EDF.
EEG Spectrum Systems, California, USA (now support.eeger.com). Their EEG-er reads and writes EDF+.
Eemagine, Germany, Europe.
Their EEG software reads and writes EDF.
Eldith (now NeuroConn), Germany, Europe.
Eldith's neurology and biofeedback systems wrote EDF+.
Electrical Geodesics, Oregon, USA. Their EEG systems read and write EDF and EDF+.
Elmiko, Poland, Europe. Their EEG analysis software reads and writes EDF.
Embla, Colorado, USA. Their PSG systems read and write EDF.
First Soft, Germany, Europe. Their Data Management software reads and writes EDF.
Foc.us, London, UK. Their 8 channel "EEG Developer Kit" generates EDF+ files.
Grass, Rhode Island, USA. Their Gamma, Twin and RSS systems read and write EDF.
Great Lakes Neurotechnologies, Ohia, USA. Their Vivosense physiological analyzer reads EDF.
Guger Technologies, Austria, Europe. Their EEG software reads EDF.
inomed Medizintechnik GmbH, Emmendingen, Germany, Europe. Their neuromonitoring systems save electrophysiological data in EDF+ format.
Judex, Denmark, Europe. Their software developers know EDF.
Kissei America, California, USA (dead link in 2013). Their SleepSign analysis software for animal sleep reads EDF.
Lifelines, United Kingdom, Europe. Their Trackit EEG/Polygraphy recorder has native EDF.
Mathworks, Massachusets, USA / Netherlands, Europe. Provides an EDF reader for their Matlab software.
Medatec, Belgium, Europe. Their digital EEG and Sleep systems read and write EDF.
MediCel, Greece, Europe. Their
SleepDiagnostic software reads and writes EDF.
Mega Electronics,
Finland, Europe. Their NeurOne neurological monitoring
system writes EDF+.
Metris, Netherlands,
Europe. Their animal-EEG analyzer reads EDF.
Oregon, USA (now CamnTech).
Their Actiwave recorders save data in EDF+.
Sleepscoring, Canada. They offer semi-manual sleep scoring
of EDF and EDF+ files
Micromed, Italy, Europe. Their SystemPLUS version 1.02.995 produces correct EDF.
Mindfield Biosystems, Germany, Europe. Their Mindmaster EEG recorder writes EDF+.
Mind Media - NeXus, Netherlands, Europe. Their BioTrace+ software writes EDF/EDF+.
Mitsar, Russia. Their EEG recorders and software read and write EDF and EDF+.
National Instruments, Texas, USA. Their softwares Labview and Biomedical Startup Kit import EDF/EDF+.
Natus, California, USA. Their Bio-logic EDF Translate Utility version 2.02 writes EDF.
Neurobit Systems,
Poland, Europe. Their biofeedback system writes EDF.
Neurofield, USA. Their
Q-EEG software writes EDF.
Neuroscan, USA / Australia. Their Scan software for EEG and EP writes EDF. The Curry source localization reads EDF.
NeuroServo Inc., Canada. Their VEEGix system is able to export to EDF+.
Neurosoft, Russia. Their EEG and EP-analyzer Brainloc5 reads EDF.
Neurotraces, Spain, Europe. Their open-source Scilab package for Clinical Neurophysiology is based on EDF.
Neurotronics, Florida,
USA. Their Polysmith PSG software reads and writes EDF.
Nevrokard, Slovenia, Europe. Their HRV software reads and writes EDF and EDF+.
NexStep Biomarkers, Wisconsin, USA. Their electrophysiological analysis software reads and writes EDF.
Nihon Kohden Europe, Germany, Europe. Their EEG systems read and write EDF.
Notocord, France, Europe / Newark, USA. Their Notocord-hem software reads EDF(+).
Nova Tech EEG, Arizona, USA. Their WinEEG software writes EDF.
OpenXDF, Florida, USA. Their
OpenXDF viewer reads EDF and EDF+.
OriginLab, Massachusetts,
USA. Their graphing and analysis software reads EDF and EDF+
OSG, Belgium, Europe. Their software for Sleep, Epilepsy and EEG reads and writes EDF and EDF+.
Oxford Biosignals Ltd, United Kingdom, Europe. Their Biosleep software reads and writes EDF.
Passworld, Japan. Their Soroban dataloggers for EEG and other sensors write EDF.
Pentatek, Argentine. Their EEG system writes EDF.
Persyst Development Corporation, Arizona, USA. Their EEG software Insight reads EDF.
Physip, France, Europe. Their Aseega web-based sleep analysis reads and writes EDF and EDF+.
Phitools, France, Europe. Their PRANA sleep scoring software (Matlab) reads EDF and EDF+.
Pinnacle Technology, Kansas, USA. Their seizure and sleep analysis softwares read and write EDF.
Bennett, Canada
(now Natus). The Sandman
system imports and exports EDF files.
Resmed, California, USA.
Their Poly-Mesam and Apnealink systems write EDF.
Respironics, Pennsylvania, USA. The Alice software includes an EDF converter.
Sagura Medizintechnik, Germany, Europe. Their EEG and PSG software reads and writes EDF.
Schwarzer, Germany, Europe (now NBN Medizin Elektronik). Their EEG software reads and writes EDF.
Sensomotoric Instruments, Germany, Europe. Their Eye-tracker systems write EDF.
SenTec, Switzerland, Europe. The V-STATS software for their CO2 / O2 monitor writes EDF+.
Sibel, Spain, Europe.
Their EEG and Sleep recorders write EDF.
Sigma, Germany, Europe. Their
Neurowerk EEG software reads and writes EDF.
SignalLab, Germany,
Europe. Their Sigview signal analysis software reads EDF.
SOMNOMedics, Germany, Europe. Their SOMNOScreen systems read and write EDF and EDF+.
Source Signal Imaging, California, USA. The EMSE Suite Data Editor reads and writes EDF+.
Stellate Systems, Canada
(now Natus). Their EEG
recorders write EDF.
Sterman Kaiser Imaging Laboratory
(SKIL), California and New York, USA. Their EEG analysis
software reads EDF.
Stowood, United Kingdom,
Europe. Their Download 2001 software, Osler-2 Sleep resistance
test, and Snorometer write EDF.
Swarz Center for Computational
Neuroscience, California, USA. Their EEGLAB open-source
Matlab toolbox reads EDF and EDF+.
The Siesta Group, Austria, Europe. Their web-based sleep scoring and multi-center research reads and writes EDF and EDF+.
TEMEC, The Netherlands, Europe.
Their EEG and Sleep systems read and write EDF.
Tucker-Davis Technologies,
Florida, USA. Their EEG and Neurophysiology software writes
Twente Medical Systems, The Netherlands, Europe. Their Porti Sleep and EEG systems write EDF.
Vitamove, The Netherlands, Europe. Their posture, activity and EXG recorder writes EDF.
Vivonoetics, California, USA. Their Vivosense analysis software reads EDF and EDF+.
Walter Graphtek,
Germany, Europe. Their EEG system writes EDF.
Weinmann Geräte für Medizin, Germany,
Europe. Their Somnolab software reads and writes EDF.
Wolfram, Illinois, USA.
Their package Mathematica reads EDF
XLTEK, Canada (now Natus). Their monitoring systems write EDF.